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Dr. Yanan JIANG

Yanan JIANG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources

College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Northwest A&F University, P.R. China.

23# Weihui Rd, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100

0086-29-87082902 (office)

0086-18092038421 (Cell-phone)



2013 Ph.D. Physical Geography, University of Leeds

2008 M.Eng. Hydrology and Water Resources, Northwest A&F University

2005 B.Eng. Computer Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University

2005 B.Eng. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Northwest A&F University


10/2018 09/2019 Visiting Scholar, Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK

01/2017present Associate Professor, Hydrology and Water Resources, Northwest A&F University

01/2013 – 12/2016 Lecturer, Hydrology and Water Resources, Northwest A&F University


Groundwater Surface Water Interactions

Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus

Deep Learning in Hydrology and Water Resources

Agricultural Ecohydrology

Agent Based Modeling in Water Resources Management


2022 University Award for Supervisor of Excellent Dissertation of Master Graduate Student in Northwest A&F University. Awarded June 2022.

2022 University Award for Supervisor of 100 Best Thesis for Bachelor’s Degree in Northwest A&F University. Awarded June 2022.

2020 First Prize of National Early Career Lecturers Teaching Competition for Water Conservancy Majors. Awarded October 2020.

2015-2016 College Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering. Awarded December 2015 and 2016.


2022-2023 Development of a Groundwater Model for a Hospital Site, ¥ 60,000 CNY, PI

2022-2023 BMPs of Non-point Pollution in an Arid and Semiarid Agricultural Watershed, ¥ 60,000 CNY, PI

2020-2023 Development of a Groundwater Model for Seepage Simulation and Control Strategies of a Reservoir, ¥ 200,000 CNY, PI

2016-2020 Optimal Water Resources Allocation Considering Ecological Issues, Sub Project of National Key R&D Program of China, ¥ 200,000 CNY, PI

2015-2017 Applying improved multi-objective genetic algorithm to the conjunctive use of surface and subsurface water in irrigation district based on simulation and optimization, Chinese National Natural Science Fund for Young Scholar, ¥ 250,000 CNY, PI


Lyu Jingyu, Yanan Jiang*, Chao Xu, Yujun Liu, Zhenhui Su, Jianchao Liu, and Jianqiang He. "Multi-Objective Winter Wheat Irrigation Strategies Optimization Based on Coupling Aquacrop-Ospy and Nsga-Iii: A Case Study in Yangling, China." Science of The Total Environment (2022/06/30/ 2022): 157104. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157104. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969722042012.

Xu Chao, Yanan Jiang*, Zhenhui Su, Yujun Liu, and Jingyu Lyu. "Assessing the Impacts of Grain-for-Green Programme on Ecosystem Services in Jinghe River Basin, China." Ecological Indicators 137 (Apr 2022): 108757. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108757.://WOS:000778350200004.

Liu Yujun, Yanan Jiang*, Chao Xu, Jingyu Lyu, and Zhenhui Su. "A Quantitative Analysis Framework for Water-Food-Energy Nexus in an Agricultural Watershed Using Weap-Modflow." Sustainable Production and Consumption 31 (May 2022): 693-706. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.03.032.://WOS:000794268200001.

Touch Tharo, Chantha Oeurng, Yanan Jiang*, and Ali Mokhtar. "Integrated Modeling of Water Supply and Demand under Climate Change Impacts and Management Options in Tributary Basin of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia." Water 12, no. 9 (Sep 2020): 2462. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092462.://WOS:000580705100001.

Xu Wei, Yanan Jiang, Xiaoli Zhang, Yi Li, Run Zhang, and Guangtao Fu. "Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks for River Flow Prediction." Hydrology Research 51, no. 6 (Dec 2020): 1358-76. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2020.026.://WOS:000600213800009.

Wu Lei, Xiaoling Su, Xiaoyi Ma, Yan Kang, and Yanan Jiang. "Integrated Modeling Framework for Evaluating and Predicting the Water Resources Carrying Capacity in a Continental River Basin of Northwest China." Journal of Cleaner Production 204 (Dec 10 2018): 366-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.319.://WOS:000448092500033.

Jiang Yanan, Faith Ka Shun Chan, Joseph Holden, Yaqian Zhao, and Dabo Guan. "China's Water Management - Challenges and Solutions." Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12, no. 7 (Jul 2013): 1311-21. https://doi.org/10.30638/eemj.2013.161.://WOS:000326732700002.

Jiang Yanan, Adrian T. McDonald, Martin Clarke, and Linda See. "Solving Water Resources Allocation Problems Using Heuristic-Based Methods." Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12, no. 7 (Jul 2013): 1487-96. https://doi.org/10.30638/eemj.2013.183.://WOS:000326732700024.