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CHEN Dianyu



Dianyu CHEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering,

College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Northwest A&F University, P.R.China.

23# Weihui Rd , Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100

0086-15691750271 (Cell-phone)

dianyuchen@nwsuaf.edu.cn (Email)


2012 2018 Ph.D. Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University (Master + Ph.D)

2015 – 2017 Visiting student, Fruit tree science, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)

20082012 B.E. Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University


10/2020present Associate Professor, Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University

08/2018 08/2020 Assistant Researcher, Postdoc, Restoration Ecology, Yunnan University


Mechanism and technologies of water-saving irrigation,

Orchard soil moisture regulation methods, aiming to dried soil layer restoration,

Environmental stresses interactions on plant growth and physiology,

Transpiration and evaporation water consumption modelling,

Fruit tree yield and quality formation theory,

Three-dimensional canopy reconstruction, focusing on light distribution and physiology variations,

Functional and structural plant model (FSPM)


2020-2022 The canopy transpiration mechanism of orange orchard in the dry-hot valley of Yuanjiang, Chinese National Natural Science Fund for Young Scholar, ¥ 250,000 CNY, PI

2021-2025 Water use mechanism and simulation of typical economic forests in arid regions integrating canopy 3D structure, Research start-up Project of Northwest A&F University, ¥ 300,000 CNY, PI

2019-2020 Optimization of water consumption model for orange canopy in dry and hot regions based on Bayesian method, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, ¥ 80,000 CNY, PI

2014-2018 Research and demonstration of key technologies for increasing efficiency of ecological and economic forests of jujube forest in mountains, China National Forestry Charity Project, ¥ 1, 100,000 CNY, Participant

2011-2015 Key technologies for efficient water use of jujube eco-economic forest in semi-arid area of Loess Plateau, Chinese National Science & Technology Supporting Plan, ¥ 3, 900,000 CNY, Participant


[1] Dianyu Chen, Kuolin Hsu, Xingwu Duan*, Youke Wang*, Xinguang Wei, Muhammad Saifullah. 2020. Bayesian analysis of jujube canopy transpiration models: Does embedding the key environmental factor in Jarvis canopy resistance sub-model always associate with improving transpiration modeling? Agricultural Water Management, 234: 106-112.

[2] Dianyu Chen, Youke Wang*, Xue Zhang, Xinguang Wei, Xingwu Duan*, Muhammad Saifullah. 2020. Understory mowing controls soil drying in a rainfed jujube agroforestry system in the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management.

[3] Dianyu Chen, Mengyu Xue, Xingwu Duan*, Detai Feng, Yong Huang*, Li Rong. 2019. Changes in topsoil organic carbon from 1986 to 2010 in a mountainous plateau region in Southwest China. Land Degradation & Development. 31(6): 734-747.

[4] Dianyu Chen, Benoît Pallas, Sébastien Martinez and Evelyne Costes. 2018. Neoformation and summer arrest are common sources of tree plasticity in response to water stress of apple cultivars. Annals of Botany, 123 (5): 877-890.

[5] Dianyu Chen, Youke Wang, Xing Wang, Zhenyi Nie, Zhiyong Gao and Linlin Zhang. 2016. Effects of branch removal on water use of rain-fed jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) plantations in Chinese semiarid Loess Plateau region. Agricultural Water Management, 178: 258-270.

[6] Dianyu Chen, Xing Wang, Liu Shouyang, Youke Wang, Zhiyong Gao, Linlin Zhang, Xinguang Wei and Xindong Wei. 2015. Using Bayesian analysis to compare the performance of three evapotranspiration models for rainfed jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) plantations in the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management, 159: 341-357.

[7] Dianyu Chen, Youke Wang, Shouyang Liu, Xinguang Wei and Xing Wang. 2014. Response of relative sap flow to meteorological factors under different soil moisture conditions in rainfed jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) plantations in semiarid Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 136: 23-33.

[8] Xinguang Wei, Shining Fu, Dianyu Chen*, Siyu Zheng, Tieliang Wang, Yikui Bai. 2020. Grapevine sap flow in response to physio-environmental factors under solar greenhouse conditions. Water, 12(11): 3081.

[9] Benoît Pallas, Dianyu Chen (co-first author), Sébastien Martinez, Youke Wang and Evelyne Costes. Summer drought impacts annual shoot growth dynamics in apple tree: a comparative study on three cultivars. Acta Horticulturae. ISHS 2020. Proceedings International on Symposium - Understanding Fruit Tree Behaviour in Dynamic Environments. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1281.72

[10] Benoît Pallas, Jean Jacques Kelner, Dianyu Chen, Sébastien Martinez and Evelyne Costes*. Investigating the impact of source/sink manipulations on within tree variations of floral induction and fruit weight. International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alternate Bearing.