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Yan Kang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering,

College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Northwest A&F University, P.R.China.

23# Weihui Rd , Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100


0086-18991298045 (Cell-phone)



2013 Ph.D. Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University

2006 M.Sc. Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University

2000 B.Sc. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Northwest A&F University


01/2015present Associate Professor, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Northwest A&F University

08/2009 – 08/2010 Visiting Professor, Utah State University, USA

01/2005 – 12/2014 Lecturer, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Northwest A&F University

07/2000 – 12/2004 Teaching Assistant, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Northwest A&F University


Engineering Hydrology

Engineering Hydrology and Runoff Regulation

Water Information Collection and Processing

Water Resources Planning and Management

Water Resources System Analysis


Hydrological Simulation

Identification of Hydrological System Complexity

Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity

Water Resources Allocation


2020 The first Participant in the third class Award of Excellent Academic Paper Achievement by Shaanxi Society for hydroelectric Engineering: "Multi-Objective Optimization of Hydrological Model Parameters Based on the Stage-Weighted Ideal Point Method"

2020 The second Participant in the second class Award of Teaching Achievements by China Water Education Association"Facing the Strategic Needs of National Water Resources, Research and Practice on the Innovative Talents Training Mode for Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Agricultural Universities"

2017 The first Participant in the second class Award of Teaching Achievements by Northwest A&F University: "Research and Practice on Teaching System Optimization of Hydrology Courses for Water Conservancy Based on Ubiquitous Learning Model"

2015 The first Participant in the second class Award of Teaching Achievements by Northwest A&F University: " Research and Practice on Teaching Reform of Engineering Hydrology Courses"

2014 The Award of Excellent Communist Party Member by Northwest A&F University

2014 The Award of Students’ Favorite Teacher by Northwest A&F University

2012 The second class Award of Teaching Achievements by China Water Education AssociationYoung Teachers' Lecture Competition

2008 The first class Award of Teaching Achievements by Northwest A&F UniversityYoung Teachers' Lecture Competition

2008 The Award of Excellent Teacher by Northwest A&F University


2019-2021 Research on Water Supply Potential for Channel-Reservoir Regulation Project in Baojixia Irrigation Area, Science-Technology Plan Program of Water Conservancy Fund of Shaanxi Province, ¥ 350,000 CNY, PI

2017-2019 Research on Evaluation Methods of Water Resources Carrying Capacity, Subproject of National Science and Technology Major Project, ¥50,000 CNY, PI

2015-2017 Research on Quantitative Evaluation of Ecological Irrigation Areas Based on System Simulation, Chinese National Natural Science Fund for Young Scholar, ¥ 250,000 CNY, PI


Kang Yan, Yang Qinyu, Zhang Fangqin, Song Songbai. 2022, Application of SVR Model Based on Box-Cox Transformation and Lasso Regression in Monthly Runoff PredictionJournal of Basic Science and Engineering, 30(1):27-39.

Li Jun, Song Songbai, Kang Yan. 2021, Prediction of Urban Domestic Water Consumption Considering Uncertainty. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(3):05020028.

Kang YanYi LiGong Jiaguo. 2021, Multi-Objective Optimization of Hydrological Model Parameters Based on the Stage-Weighted Ideal Point Method. Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 56(5): 458-467.

Kang Yan, Yan Yating, Yang Bin, 2020, Simulation of water resource carrying capacity based on LMDI-SD model in green development irrigation areas, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 36(19): 150-160.

Weijie Ma, Yan Kang*, Songbai Song. 2020, Analysis of Streamflow Complexity Based on Entropies in the Weihe River Basin, China. Entropy, 22(1): 38.

Songbai Song, Xiaoyan Song and Yan Kang*. 2017, Entropy-Based Parameter Estimation for the Four-Parameter Exponential Gamma Distribution, Entropy, 19(5): 189.

Yan Kang, Songbai Song. 2014, Harmony Assessment Indicators and Methods for Water human System Based on Synthesis Model in Weihe Basin. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 13(4): 677~684.

Yan Kang, Hanjie Cai, Songbai Song. 2012, Application of Improved Fuzzy Matter-Element Model for Assessing Environmental Quality in Arid Area. Disaster Advances, 5(4):637~641.

Lingjie Li, Yan Kang*, Songbai Song. 2016, Application of Conditional Probability Model in Frequency Calculation of Inconsistent Hydrologic Series. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Nat. Sci. Ed.), 44(8): 119-225.

Yan Kang, Huanjie Cai, Songbai Song. 2014, Study on Human-Water Harmony Evaluation in Baoji City. Journal of Natural Resources, 29(1) : 156-165.